Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Spring has sprunged...

Everyone else has posted springly pictures on their blogs so I decided to hurl myself on the bandwagon..
The tulips are from my ever-so-stylish friend, Sharon, who came round and spent the afternoon with me on Monday. And what a lovely afternoon it was. The sun was shining. We had lots of tea and cake and a little explore in Windy Bank Wood.
Windy Bank is my new place to explore and its literally on my doorstep. I'll post some pics here soon....
Bye for now x


  1. do I detect a faintly accusatory tone??

    It wasn't me:
    1). I'm literally thousands of miles away
    2). I've got solid alibis running consecutively since Monday afternoon
    3) as far as I'm aware (and my awareness is pretty much a comprehensive knowledge of all Man's endeavours up until the present day) no one has patented an invention capable of controlling weather from across the globe.
    3a). And, no, I don't count the Orgonon guy.

    Happy sledging
    Love, Shell

  2. I still blame the UK. Because it's snowing again.
